Does Marble Scratch Easily?

Acheologists have found hand-carved marble more than 50,000 years old, which means that marble has been used to create awe-inspiring architecture and interior design for thousands of years. One of the questions that has been troubling homeowners and designers for decades is, after all, does marble scratch easily? Knowing the characteristics of marble will help in making the right choice of installing it in homes and office/restaurant spaces.

Marble — What is It Made of and hard as it gets.

Why Is Marble Soft?

Marble finally offers a natural stone tile found in a lot of different colours, each as long-lasting and durable as the next. Naruto Marble is a metamorphic rock derived from limestone on Earth. It is primarily made of calcite, which is a crystalline form of calcium carbonate. Marble is relatively soft for a natural stone (well, it’s a calcite) and much less hard than granite. Marble can be very soft (Mohs 3) and is typically softer than granite (Mohs 6 or 7), which is precisely why it was simpler for the ancient Greeks to carve statues out of. The relative softness of marble makes more likely to scratches from harder material.


Common Causes of Scratches

Use Marble Countertops and Floors Can Be Scratched in Regular Activities Cutlery, collision with ceramic dishes or grit dragged in by shoes; anything can leave spots on our marble countertops. In fact, a survey showed that nearly 60% marble countertop owners identify light scratches within five years of installation, so it pays to take your preventative measures!

In case of marble which often appears on floors and some the worktop of benchtops also, this is an important factor to be kept in mind while maintaining the marble properly.

Cutting Boards and Mats

A simple yet effective method to avoid scratches on marble countertops is to ensure to use a cutting board rather than preparing food directly on the counter. You can also lay down mats or trivets beneath ceramic items, cutlery, and glassware to prevent the risk of scratches. Such precautions are necessary in order to preserve the visual beauty of marble in areas of heavy foot traffic.

Regular Maintenance

One of the most important things you can do to combat scratches in marble is the simplest: Regular maintenance. Surface polishing often helps to absorb light scratches and can lead to the stone appearing the way it is naturally supposed to appear. Professional polish experts recommend a professional polish once or twice a year, based on usage and righteous activity leading to cause scratch.

Choosing the Right Finish

Honed vs. Polished Marble

Even the finish you choose will influence how (if at all) scratches appear. Honed- a variation of marble that has a matte finish; to reflect the matt surface, it may help to disguise any scratches brighter, in comparison to a polished finish. A honed finish, on the other hand, is less likely to show wear and is softer and more pliable than polished marble but may also need to be resealed more often in order to prevent stains, as it is a more porous stone than polished marble.


Marble may be a little more delicate against scratches than harder stones like engineered materials and granite but many are willing to accept the needed cautions and care to have this timeless, luxurious beauty. With some protective measures and a bit of maintenance, marble can last for years preserving its alluring beauty. If you would like more in-depth comparisons between marble and other materials such as quartz or about how those materials compare to daily use, please visit does marble scratch.

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